Ukraine, Galloping Goose, Poole Park: MR 55


Challenging convention as ever, we reclassify a 750mm narrow gauge railway as a miniature in our over-view of the Ukrainian ‘childrens railways’. How are they faring? And a full report on the best known, the Small Southwestern in Kyiv


Children’s Railways in Ukraine

There are less than a dozen of them. Most have stayed closed this year, and the majority are safe, give or take a few broken tiles, but some are deep in the disputed regions and we don’t know what the future holds for these lines. Nevertheless, the story of these 750mm railways is fascinating. A general guide, but centred around Kyiv’s little railway.


How a time-expired Cromar White Hymek was reborn as a swan. Well, a goose actually.


Poole Park

After the consultant’s reports and public criticism of regauging the historic Poole Park miniature railway from 10.25″ to 12.25″, the new track is going down at 10.25″. A photo report from the construction site – the line is now close to testing and completion.


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