Miniature Railways in Suffolk Gardens


One of the Narrow Gauge Railway Society’s excellent little books covering the burgeoning miniature railway scene in the county of Suffolk

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Who says we only publish rather specialist titles! You may or may not have an interest in Suffolk, or Suffolk miniature railways, but we guarantee this large-format A4 book will be of interest, and it isn’t costing a fortune! Looks in some detail at ten of the most interesting private garden railways in the county of Suffolk, which has always been blessed with a good crop of garden railways. If you’re thinking of building your own, it’s a great place to start, for the cost of a couple of sleepers.

Publisher: The Narrow Gauge Railway Society
April 2021
ISBN: 978 191 1383 700 6
Pages: 32
Weight: 150 grams
£5.95 plus total order p&p (£1.99 in the UK, by weight overseas)

Additional information

Weight 0.14 kg
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